Huskie boys volleyball comes out on top after thrilling matchup
Photo by Grace Ainger
The Naperville North High School varsity boys volleyball team triumphed against Lyons Township High School on Wednesday night.
The Huskies (14-17) defeated the Lions (19-10) after three sets of tough competition.
The first set was neck and neck with each team only having a lead of two points at a given time. However, the Lions eventually closed the gap in overtime by utilizing their strong hitters. The Huskies lost the set 29-31, but this didn’t stop them from fighting hard and winning the next two sets. Head Coach Nate Bornancin described the team’s ability to bounce-back from a rough set.
“To come back and take that second and third set, it’s just absolutely incredible to see the fight and the will. And defensively I thought the guys just worked so hard,” Bornancin said.
The team’s defensive skills were the highlight of the match. The Huskies were able to use their defense to come back in the second set, winning 25-19. Though they began the third set down in points, the team never stopped fighting and clinched the final set with an overwhelming lead of 25-17. Senior co-captain Britten Beallis discussed how the team came together for this game.
“Over the season, we played kind of independently. And I feel like this game we definitely played as a team. And I mean, when we play as a team, we can pretty much beat anybody that we want,” Beallis said.
The 100 degree temperatures and a gymnasium lacking air conditioning led to a very humid, heat-filled court. Although the team consistently had to wipe off the court in order to get some grip, the heat was not a problem for them. Freshman Ermuun Batchuluun describes how the team was able to play unaffected.
“It was super hot and very sweaty. But because we were used to it, we still played hard like it was chilly in here. So it was definitely a home court advantage,” Batchuluun said.
The game was another strong win for the Huskies, but for the seniors it was a reminder of the inevitable end to their high school volleyball careers. As graduation approaches, seniors look fondly on their time wearing the Huskie uniform. Senior co-captain Tristan Lindquist reflected on how the team has added to his high school experience.
“The sport has done a lot for me the past four years and it’s great to be playing with [this] group of guys. It’s important to them and they play with spirit and a heart that I know they have,” Lindquist said.
The Huskies will play their next game at Metea Valley against The Mustangs on May 17. The game is scheduled to begin at 5:30.

Arden Han is excited to finish her senior year with three years producing for The North Star. She is looking forward to exploring new topics through multimedia...

Grace is a senior at North and is thrilled to begin her second year of The North Star as Managing Editor. She’s excited to pursue her own journalistic...