Eight Naperville North seniors explain their political affiliation
The 2020 presidential election is coming up, and a vast majority of Naperville North’s class of 2020 will be eligible to vote. While many students identify with one of the United States’ two major political parties, some students align with a different party affiliation or are still trying to figure out their political stances.
Exploring what to believe politically can be a difficult journey for high school youth. Here are what eight Naperville North seniors have to say about their political affiliation and why they identify how they do.
Jakub Siska, Unaffiliated
“I am unaffiliated with any political party because as a young person, I simply feel like I don’t have enough knowledge to have a strong opinion. Growing up, I’ve been around people who are strongly conservative and strongly liberal so I haven’t been directly influenced by one side.”
Chloe Forero, Liberal/Progressive
“I identify as a liberal/progressive because I feel that my moral views align with liberal political ideas. Politics and world issues are something I am very passionate about, so I believe that everybody has the right to their opinion, but that does not make their opinion right. One should always keep an open mind, but not to ideas that cause the oppression of others or invalidate the very existence of a group of people.”
Isha Nehl, Unaffiliated
“I am unaffiliated with a political party because being one of the first in my family to grow up in the States, I have seen so many extreme views and opinions not only from my peers, but also adults around me. I personally believe that times are always changing and that everyone always has a valid opinion, even though it might be something I disagree with. I enjoy being part of open conversations and it helps me to be more unbiased and gain better perspectives.”
Connor Ryan, Conservative
“I identify as a conservative. Most of my views match this party, however, I do agree with some liberal ideas. I think that it is important to keep an open mind and hear both sides, and not blind yourself to only following the ideals or opinions of one party.”
Charlize Tahernezhadi, Liberal
“I identify as liberal. Most of my views are aligned with this party, especially ones pertaining to social issues such as LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive rights for women. I do try and hear other sides of political issues such as moderate and Republican views, but my bottom line is that I cannot support any forms of discrimination against any of our U.S. citizens. However, staying aware of what is going on is something I struggle with, so I want to become as aware as possible before registering to vote.”
Tyler Lange, Undecided Liberal
“Generally speaking, I would identify as liberal in most issues as I identify with a lot of philosophies associated with the left. I say that I am undecided because I don’t have a specific political affiliation. I’m almost 18 and when I begin my voting process, I don’t look at parties – I look at candidates and I would choose the candidate I agree with the most. Generally speaking though, I’m more liberal because a majority of my social beliefs line up with standard liberal ideals.”
Jeremy Price, Conservative
“Both of my parents are strong conservatives which has had a profound impact on my own beliefs and ideas about what is best for our community and country. However, especially through school and the media, there are topics and ideas that come up that I can not help but feel that other conservatives are thinking a little too one sided. In the end, I view myself as a conservative when it comes to a lot of things, but I do not fully agree with all of the party’s views.”
Isabella Taylor, Liberal
“I identify as a liberal because the majority of my views and beliefs align with this party. Through social media, past elections, and my family, I have learned where I stand on certain political/world issues. I strongly believe that everyone should be open to listening to opinions that differ from their own in order to gain new perspectives. Yet, no one should tolerate someone who disrespects or discriminates against another person.”

Lauren Somers is a senior at Naperville North and is super excited to continue writing for The North Star for her second year. She can’t wait to try...