Challenge yourself in 2015

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♦ Staff Editorial ♦

As 2015 approaches, everyone receives a fresh start. And let’s face it: we need it. December can be the most wonderful and most stressful time of the year. We either ended the semester cramming, or feeling guilty about not cramming for finals. Coffee kept us awake, and sweatpants became the norm.

Now is the time to change things up. After all, people across the world are beginning to set new goals for the New Year too. Just ask around: people want to lose weight, quit smoking and spend less. These are just a few of the most popular aspirations as the new year rolls around.

But what’s popular may not necessarily be realistic.

According to a study done by the University of Scranton, only eight percent of people who make resolutions are successful in achieving them. However, those who explicitly make them are still at an advantage. They are ten times more likely to attain their goals than those who do not.

This year, we encourage everyone to make 2015 their best yet. Though it may seem cheesy, the key to a healthier, happier year may be the very act of forming and working toward a New Year’s resolution.

And oftentimes, a good resolution lies in its simplicity. It’s easy to want to make remarkable changes in our lifestyle and world, but resist the temptation. It’s much more satisfying to set attainable goals and track your progress with reasonable checkpoints. Throughout the year, you’ll actually see yourself achieving your larger goal.

Instead of resolving to never procrastinate again, tighten your goal to be a little more specific. Try to limit the time you spend procrastinating each day. Specify a certain point in the evening to start homework, or cut down on the hours you spend binge-watching Netflix. And if you’re looking for a way to fend off an inevitable case of senioritis, perhaps start by keeping a weekly checklist to stay on track and academically motivated. After you hold yourself accountable with a goal, you will see yourself become a more successful student.

There are small things that each of us can do each day. The problem is pushing ourselves to actually accomplish them. By setting a goal, you will sharpen your focus for the New Year and become the best version of yourself with each day.