Impromptu Show Choir “Snow Off” draws crowd of 400

After a competition cancellation, Naperville North’s Show Choirs came together to perform to a crowd of about 400 in the large cafeteria for the first ever “Show Choir Snow Off” on Saturday evening.

Six soloists stepped into the spotlight, and were followed by NNHS High Heeled Harmony and Entourage performing their 20 minute contest shows with the Hot Brockets.

Show Choir director Nicholas P. Janssen addressed the crowd before the performances, thanking the school’s administration and volunteers for their understanding and cooperation.

“We made the best out of the day that we could, and we are fortunate here at Naperville North to have kids that are super positive and had a great time today being together and doing what they love to do,” Janssen said.

On Friday afternoon, snowy weather conditions forced NNHS Show Choirs to cancel their trip to the Washington Mo Show Choir competition in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Instead, group members arrived at the school at 12:00 p.m. for a day of team building activities, rehearsal and Mardi Gras celebration. Volunteers played a large role in running games, supplying dinner and snacks and setting up chairs and risers in the cafeteria for the 5:30 performance.

Entourage member Jerecho Agudelo explained that elements such as the lack of stage lighting and a shorter distance between the choir and the audience made the performance one of a kind.

“It was kind of encouraging because you would find faces in the crowd that you knew and you would want to perform even better because you saw them looking at you,” Agudelo said.

The full costumed shows were a sneak peek of what’s to come at Naperville North’s third annual Clash Of The Sequins Competition on Feb. 17. More information on the event can be found here.