Ultimate Frisbee team takes aim at state tournament
Ultimate Frisbee is becoming an incredibly popular sport across the nation on high school and college campuses alike. The Naperville North Ultimate Frisbee team is looking forward to starting their spring season in the upcoming weeks.
Last year the Huskies placed in the CHSUL (Chicago High School Ultimate League) and have expectations to do better this upcoming season. With returning captain Thomas Zugay, and other impact players such as Sean Dorsey, Joe Carolann, and Jack Walter, the Huskies have the goal of winning the league within reach. Zugay explained why the team expects to be good this year.
“This year I think we will be better than last. We were on the upper side of the division last year, and we only had three seniors. Between the new people joining and the older impact players, I can see us improving tremendously,” Zugay said.
Dorsey, a senior, had a similar goal for the team this year.
“I think as long as we practice hard the state trophy is attainable. Our hopes are to do as well as possible at the state tournament and hopefully make the finals,” Dorsey said.
Although the team has aspirations of great performances this year, Dorsey explained why else he enjoys the sport.
“I enjoy ultimate because the competition is about spirit and having a good time, not always just winning,” said Dorsey.
With a potentially stellar season approaching rapidly, the Huskie Ultimate Frisbee team is anxious as they strive towards the “ultimate” ending to the season at the state tournament in the early part of June.

Brandon Morrow is the Advertising Manager for The North Star, and a senior at Naperville North. He plays water polo and is also a swimmer. He enjoys working...