5 things to do this fall

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This fall, don’t get into the habit of sitting in your room doing nothing. Get outside, get some friends and embrace what’s left of the season.

Fright Fest

Fright Fest is Six Flags converted into an enjoyable nightmare. With no lights on any of the tracks, three-eyed clowns with horns and “bloody” lumberjacks with fake chainsaws, Fright Fest is a scary, yet an extremely fun time that is well worth the 52 minute drive to Gurnee. Go with your friends and enjoy being scared– both on and off the rides.


Some people think the holiday season starts in November, when Thanksgiving comes to greet us into the harsh winter with slices of pumpkin pie and family seated all around a table. Those are people who you need to cut out of your life, because of their toxicity to your well-being. The holiday season lasts all year, and delights in the last 3 months of the year. Fall food in general is a beautiful thing. From hot apple cider that hugs you with every sip to pumpkin flavored everything ending up in your house, there’s nothing better than celebrating the leaves changing than with your food changing as well.

Watch Halloween Movies

Even though Halloween is this weekend, cuddling up next to a crackling fire with a soft blanket covering you and ‘Halloweentown’ playing is a timeless fall activity. It may be the fact that it gets darker out faster or that sometimes you just need to take a break from other things to just relax and watch a movie, but Halloween movies–especially the ones made by Disney–encompass everything freaky, funny and full of excitement. Whether alone or with friends, watching a Halloween movie will get you mentally geared up for the harsh winter that seems so far away but is quickly approaching.

Carve A Pumpkin

Get a couple of friends, and go to your nearest pumpkin patch. Pick out your favorite pumpkin and go back home to start carving. Something fun to switch up making a regular jack-o-lantern could be doing the logo of your favorite band or a fun word you like. You could also try painting a pumpkin to make them pop with color. It sounds kind of lame to carve a pumpkin, but believe me, pumpkin carving could actually be the highlight of your week with the right friends and some creativity.

Go to Chicago

The final thing to do this fall is go to check out what’s going on in the city! There’s always a hubbub in the metropolitan area. Whether it’s a fall concert or just breathing in the fresh, crisp air, you’ll never find yourself bored in the incredible city of Chicago.